
The 'search' Function

(c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger

The search function allows to search the database for a combination of search criteria.

It finds all objects - directly from the criteria or after traversing all associations - which fulfill all given search criteria, and returns them one at a time.


The examples in this document will use the demo application in "app/*.l" (in demoApp.tgz).

To get an interactive prompt, start it as:

$ pil app/main.l -ap~main +

As ever, you can terminate the interpreter by hitting Ctrl-D.


search is called in two different forms.

The first form initializes a query. It takes two or more arguments, and returns a query structure (a list).

The second form can then be called repeatedly with that structure, and will subsequently return the next resulting object, or NIL if no more results can be found.

To start a new query, search is called with an arbitrary number of argument pairs, each consisting of a search criterion and a list of relation specifications, and an optional extraction function which filters and possibly modifies the results.

For example, to find the item with the number 2:

ap: (search 2 '((nr +Item)))
-> (NIL ...

The first argument 2 is a search criterion (the key to look for), and ((nr +Item)) is a list with a single relation specification (the nr index of the +Item class).

The returned query structure is abbreviated here, because it is big and not relevant. It can now be used to fetch the result:

ap: (search @)
-> {B2}
ap: (show @)
{B2} (+Item)
   nr 2
   pr 1250
   inv 100
   sup {C2}
   nm "Spare Part"
-> {B2}

There are no further results, because nr is a unique key:

ap: (search @@@)  # '@@@' refers to the third-last REPL result, the query
-> NIL

Search Criteria

Each criterion is an attribute of a database object (like name, e-mail, address etc.), or some given database object. It may be used to find objects directly, or as a starting point for a recursive search for other objects reachable by this object.

For every search criterion which is NIL, no search is performed, and the following relation specification is ignored. If, however, all search criteria are NIL, a full search over the last relation specification is forced.


If the search criterion is numeric (including derived types like date or time), it can be atomic for an exact search, or a cons pair for searching a range of numbers.

Extending the above example, we may search for all items with a number between 2 and (including) 6:

ap: (search (2 . 6) '((nr +Item)))
-> (NIL ...

We may use a for loop to retrieve all results:

ap: (for
      (search (2 . 6) '((nr +Item)))
      (search Q) )
   (printsp @) )
{B2} {B3} {B4} {B5} {B6}


If the search criterion is a string (transient symbol) or an internal symbol, or a cons pair of those, the exact behavior depends on the relation type. It includes all cases where it matches the heads of the result attributes (string prefixes), but may also match substrings and/or tolerant (folded or soundex-encoded) searches.

ap: (for
      (search "Api" '((em +CuSu)))
      (search Q) )
   (println (; @ em)) )
ap: (for
      (search "part" '((nm +Item)))
      (search Q) )
   (with @
      (println (: nr) (: nm)) ) )
1 "Main Part"
2 "Spare Part"

Or, combined with a number range search:

ap: (for
         (2 . 6) '((nr +Item))
         "part" '((nm +Item)) )
      (search Q) )
   (with @
      (println (: nr) (: nm)) ) )
2 "Spare Part"


A database object can also be used as a search criterion. A cons pair (i.e. a range) of objects makes no sense, because objects by themselves are not ordered.

Searching for all items from a given supplier:

ap: (for
      (search '{C1} '((sup +Item)))
      (search Q) )
   (printsp @) )
{B1} {B3} {B5}

or for all positions in a given order:

ap: (for
      (search '{B7} '((ord . pos)))
      (search Q) )
   (printsp @) )
{A1} {A2} {A3}

Relation Specifications

Every second argument to search is a list of relation specifications. In typical use cases, a relation specification is either

For general cases, the first specification in the list may be replaced by two custom functions: A generator function and a filter function. This allows to start the search from arbitrary resources like remote databases or coroutines.

If a specification is (var cls) but var is not an index of cls, a brute force search through the objects in the database file of cls will be performed. This should only be done for small files with ideally all objects of type cls.

The rest of the list contains associations (which are also relation specifications) to recursively search through associated objects. They are typically (+Joint), (+List +Joint), or (+Ref +Link) relations.

Look for example at the choOrd ("choose Order") function in the demo application. You can access it directly in the REPL with (vi 'choOrd). The search call is

   *OrdCus '((nm +CuSu) (cus +Ord))
   *OrdOrt '((ort +CuSu) (cus +Ord))
   *OrdItem '((nm +Item) (itm +Pos) (pos . ord))
   *OrdSup '((nm +CuSu) (sup +Item) (itm +Pos) (pos . ord))
   (and *OrdNr (cons @)) '((nr +Ord))
   (and *OrdDat (cons @)) '((dat +Ord)) )

The global variables *OrdCus through *OrdDat hold the search criteria from the search fields in the dialog GUI.

The line with the longest chain of associations is:

   *OrdSup '((nm +CuSu) (sup +Item) (itm +Pos) (pos . ord))

This means:

  1. Search suppliers by name
  2. For each matching supplier, go through his items
  3. For each item, find order positions where it is referred
  4. For each position, return the order where it is in

Testing this line stand-alone, searching orders only by supplier name:

ap: (for
         "Seven Oaks"
            (nm +CuSu)
            (sup +Item)
            (itm +Pos)
            (pos . ord) ) )
      (search Q) )
   (printsp @) )

Custom Generators and Filters

If the list of relation specifications does not start with an index relation (var cls) or a joint relation (sym . sym), but instead with a function like ((X) (foo)), the first two elements of the list are taken as generator and filter functions, respectively.

We could rewrite the last example in slightly a simplified form, but with custom functions:

ap: (for
         "Seven Oaks"
            ((X)  # Generator function
               (iter> (meta '(+CuSu) 'nm)
                  "Seven Oaks"
                  '(nm +CuSu) ) )
            ((This X)  # Filter function
               (pre? "Seven Oaks" (: nm)) )
            (sup +Item)
            (itm +Pos)
            (pos . ord) ) )
      (search Q) )
   (printsp @) )

The iter> method implements the mechanisms to produce the internal query structures for individual relations. There is a convenience function relQ for this. It can be used to simplify such standard generators. Instead of:

   ((X)  # Generator function
      (iter> (meta '(+CuSu) 'nm)
         "Seven Oaks"
         '(nm +CuSu) ) )

we can write:

   ((X)  # Generator function
      (relQ "Seven Oaks" '(nm +CuSu)) )

Multiple Indexes

While relQ is normally not used directly by application programs, because its functionality is provided by the standard relation specification syntax, there is a function relQs which is indeed useful.

relQs produces proper generator and filter functions which can search multiple indexes for a singe search criterion.

The general syntax is:

   (relQs '((var1 +Cls1) (var2 +Cls2) ..) (sym1 ..) (sym2 ..)..)

to search first the index (var1 +Cls1), then (var2 +Cls2) etc., and then follow the optional associations (sym1 ..), (sym2 ..) etc.

A typical use case is searching for a telephone number in both the landline and mobile attributes. You find an example in the choCuSu ("choose Customer/Supplier") function in the demo application, in the line:

   *CuSuTel (relQs '((tel +CuSu) (mob +CuSu)))

Note that (relQs ..) must not be quoted, because it needs to be evaluate to produce the right functions and query structure.

Extraction Function

Sometimes it is necessary to to do further checks on a search result, which may not be covered by the standard matching of combined search criteria.

An example can be found in the tut.tgz tutorial in the file "db/family.l", in the contemporaries report. It searches for people living roughly at the same time as the given person:

   '(let @Fin
         (: home obj fin)
         (+ (: home obj dat) 36525) )
         (cons (- (: home obj dat) 36525) @Fin) '((dat +Person))
         (curry (@Fin) (Obj)
               (n== Obj (: home obj))
               (>= (; Obj fin) (: home obj dat))
               (>= @Fin (; Obj dat))
               Obj ) ) ) )

@Fin is set to either the date when the given person died, or to the birth date plus ten years if not known. Then all persons born in the range of ten years before the given person and @Fin are searched.

curry builds the filter function, taking an object and doing range checks to see if that person died after the given person was born, and that he or she was born before @Fin.

If those conditions are not met, the function returns NIL, and search continues to search for the next result.

The extraction function may also - instead of returning the object or NIL, return some other value as appropriate for the application.


In general, the values returned by search are not sorted when multiple search criteria are given. This is because the indexes are iterated over in an unpredictable order.

If, however, only a single search criterion is given, or only one of the search criteria is non-NIL, then the results will be returned in sorted order according to the given index.

If all search criteria are NIL, and thus the last relation specification is used (see above under Search Criteria), then the results will turn up in increasing order.